Another Year, Another Mozi 😏

Another Year, Another Mozi 😏

Well, at the very least Modo did not disappoint me with Mozi’s new partner outfit. Because I think he looks chill-awesome.

(For the record, I don’t play LOP for the whole RP/virtual boyfriend thing. I mean, as an amateur author, I can appreciate the devs story writing and respective character development, finding some inspiration for my own writing along the way. But my favoritism of confidants has always been more related to my partner building strategy, with, I guess, the slight exception of Yin Zhen. I just like the how they wrote his personality. And I’m still building up Xue and Rong… They are just slightly lower on my priority list. 😅)

Anyway, back to Mozi! As cool as that new mystic box game is… I think the maze game still yeilds the better ingot-point ratio.

Or I least I find it more enjoyable. The box game is certainly faster, especially if you use the multiplier. But I don’t know, l there’s also something about knowing that even when you make a mistake in the maze you still get points that just makes it more satisfying and less of a waste of ingots in my mind. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I guess all of that to say, if you want my opinion, I think playing the maze game is the better way to get the points you need from this event.

Which brings me to what I’m exchanging for. Soooooo, I got Mozi’s outfit, the new regalia card AND the whole new outfit plus the mystic box. Because I’ve been saving up for this event since Mid Autumn, and like I said earlier, I enjoy a good story. Plus, since I’m hoarding for CS (shocker!), I want to make sure I’ve got plenty of intimacy points stored away. 😉 No, actually the reason why I’m hoarding for CS is because I’m not ready to level up everyone yet and I like do it all at once. I’m aiming to drop for either the new year CS or my birthday (which will be right after CNY), but still deciding on that. That and I’m also trying to exercise some noncompetitive game play strategy too. Which in translation means, I’m not sure which type of game strategy makes me feel less competitive. Is it hoarding and dropping when I feel like it, despite the loss of powering up in a timely manner? Or if it’s just playing the game without regard to quick rank events? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m figuring that one out. Not only in LOP, but areas of my life too. To engage or disengage? That is the question. 😅

And well, given the time of year, what with the holidays and it being fasting season for me, I would rather prioritize more important things. Not mindlessly taking the time to strategize dropping my inventory AND trying to read through/enjoy the new regalia/dating stories. (Or you know, blogging about LOP… 🙃🤣)

…Forgive me for rambling. 😅 Just needed to get that out there. I love the game and I enjoy getting to apply some of the principles I’m learning outside the game in the game.

Speaking of, being a P2P gone F2P, I get to start saving all my ingots again, because I literally spent just about every ingot I had on you Mozi. 😏 Hopefully, it will just be powering through to CNY. Wait. No. I AM going to power through and save for CNY, so I can get Prince Yi’s partner outfit. 🤭 As my only Grand Chief, he definitely needs a makeover. Mhmm. Yep, total makeover. 😂 In the mean time, I will continue spending my free points in special events on potential fruit or blessing bags. I don’t really need anything else… At least until ye big ole CS drop. We’ll see what happens after that. 🙃

Let’s see, so do I have anything else to say or any other updates? 🤔🤔🤔 Noooope, I think that’s it.

However, I do plan to be more active on here, once we’re in the new year. (I think I said that last year too. 😅🙃) I’ve got plenty of stuff both LOP and Hunger Games related to post about, I’m just wrapping up some other projects before I dive into them.

Until next time! 😊👋🏻

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