Update and My Thoughts on Several Recent LOP Activities

Sorry I’ve been MIA. My husband went on a business trip earlier this month, and since he came back I’ve been taking care of sick family members on and off. And of course as soon as my husband’s 10 day COVID window was up, the rest of us got it... 🤦🏻‍♀️ So, now we’re just hanging out and I finally found a chance to write.

On to LOP. First off, the Cancer Zodiac outfit. This little number has everybody talking, and to be honest, I find it rather funny. See, I thought the Aries and Gemini outfits were meh, but Taurus was 🔥(except the hair). So, of course I think the Cancer outfit is equally meh and just straight up bizarre, especially the hair. But I wanted to buy it. And I was like why? But no seriously, why? It’s horrible! I mean I love the fish halo thing, but do I really want to spend $30 for that? Well as I started weighing this decision and looking at the outfit more, I began to find I actually appreciated parts of the look separately. I mean, the dress isn’t all bad. 😅

I don’t know, I kind of like the pirate/ocean thing going on with the ensemble. It’s different, summery. My eldest child is a Cancer. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m just odd, I guess. But then again, I’ve always had a very different interpretation of “pretty” outfits when it comes to LOP. Not that I think this one is pretty, I just don’t hate it as much as everyone else does. 😅

I decided to drop my Dom hoard for this round of cross-server. Got antsy and just wanted to even out my partner stack. And let’s face it, I’m probably never going to get Dom, so might as well just enjoy the game and play as I want to. 🙃 I got a solid second for Dom with a 234M power increase. 😏 And I’ll get a solid second for Favored on the local server and probably finish in the top 10 for CS. I don’t know if I’ll long hoard again, but I’m currently working on building up my pions. Because I want all my reds, and soon to be reds, to have a base line. And then we’ll go back to focusing on all my strong peeps.

I’m still not entirely sure what I made of the Contest of Heroes event. I liked the “guild enemy” component the first two days, but I’m not entirely sure what that did going into the next portion, which was basically like the Literary Gathering. Since our guild was always on defense, I had better luck randomizing my defense partner stack, trying to make sure each group was relatively equal in power. I fared pretty well in my personal rounds and our guild finished in the top 8. Aside from the rewards and getting to see how talkative some other players are on the other older servers are, I’m not entirely sure why we needed this event. 😂 What’s next, CS fame and EXP consumption? 🫢

Hmmm... What else? 🤔 Oh yeah, the new Land!! I really like this thing. I don’t know if it’s because I’m exhausted or what, but I could stare at my partners wondering around the area for hours. Not that I have, it’s more like a minute, but I find it soothing? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I did mess up and accidentally spend some of those land permit things to upgrade my cotton. 🙈 Now I’m stocking up so I can upgrade a building and finally open my last bridge. Which is easier said than done. I’m not sure if I want to spend my Cool Summer points on the permits, or just buy them straight out. 😩 But I love the subsequent power boost it’s going to yield. 😏 More so than knowledge and comprehension points from Feild and Worldwide Fame. They’re not bad, I just personally have a hard time using those evenly. Whereas with Land, I feel like all of my partners will get an equal opportunity at a power boost.

And I still haven’t used the Shi Lian online chore thing. I keep forgetting about it and I guess I just like taking the time to do those specific tasks myself. It’s become part of my bedtime routine, and so quick as it is. Maybe I’ll try it out tonight, see if I change my mind. 😅

Well, that’s all for now folks!