Happy Dragon Boat Festival 2023

Aaaannnddd I won’t be making zongzi this week once again. 😩 Travel plans and all sorts of other insanity kind of messed me up this year. But I may try to make them upon my return. Maybe do a one -of-each-kind too and ultimately decide if I like salty or…

International Banquet

Alright, CS Banquet has officially begun. For starters I wish I had been in the loop this was starting, cause I would’ve saved my ingots and not opened banquets on the local server. 🙃 Oh well. That said, I’m really happy I don’t have to budget and spend…

Has it Really Been Three Years?!

Wow, happy 3 year anniversary LOP! 🥳 You know I gotta say, I wish every other event in the game was this organized. And what I mean to say is that I LOVE that you’re able to accumulate PLENTY of points just by meeting the bare minimum task requirements. I’…

Musical Banquet and Other Things

So I wait all this time for a Yin Zhen event and this is what I get? 😏 Okay so it’s not horrible. I like the Phantom of the Opera nod going on with the cape thing and all. But come on, LOP! This is really the best you can…

Wishing You A Happy Late Lantern Festival

Well, for starters, since I made tangyuan for CNY this year, I didn’t make it for this celebration... 😅 But here’s a picture of it, just cause. Now that that’s out of the way, this will be a recap of both of the special Spring Festival events that…

New Year, New Tips

Happy Lunar New Year everyone! 🧧 Aside from sharing my new year activities and feast with y’all, I have some new strategies and such that I will be experimenting with this year and perhaps a couple tips I’ve come across playing LOP here as of late. So here we…