TBOSAS Discussion Questions Part 1

As a note to this post, I am answering these questions from my understanding of the world as an Orthodox Christian. Whether you share my worldview or not, I pray that my personal reflections below inspire you to think more deeply about yourself. And how those so-called “insignificant” thoughts truly…

LOP 4th Anniversary Recap

This one will be brief since there’s not much that has changed in this event since last year, except for the new Prince outfits 🤩🤩🤩 and the Anniversary Adventure mini partner quest. To which I will say, aside from needing to have the “Integrated Business Card” or “Nations Travel Record”…

Strategic Encounter

Okay, so I think the main reason I wanted to chat about this new recurring event was because I’ve been watching “Deep in the Realm of Conscience” and Princess Taiping is a one of the main protagonists in the drama series. 😅 But also because I find her character really…

New Year Refresh

Welcome to 2024! Okay, so aside from announcing that I will be posting more Hunger Games content (🥳🍾) and vlogging this year, I’ve been thinking ALOT about my plans for LOP too. So where to begin? Well, I’m currently hoarding for CS Dom/Favored, not that I have any…

Another Year, Another Mozi 😏

Well, at the very least Modo did not disappoint me with Mozi’s new partner outfit. Because I think he looks chill-awesome. (For the record, I don’t play LOP for the whole RP/virtual boyfriend thing. I mean, as an amateur author, I can appreciate the devs story writing…