Mysteries of the Four Symbols

No I haven’t forgotten to write about this, just been busy. 😅

First off, I LOVE this event series! And it’s not just because of the Princes are finally getting their fancy outfits. 😆

(Yes, I’m waiting to activate them at a later point in time.)

No, I actually really like the game! It’s got like this D&D feel to it. Not that I’ve ever played D&D, it just makes me think of it. 😅🤓

And per usual with most things in LOP as of late, all you really need to do to accumulate FS stones is… Spend ingots! 😂 The more offering cards you buy/collect, the more stones you have for the point shop. And yes, my goal to get everything because, hey, I love my Princes. 😜 (Okay, but in all seriousness if one of the outfits is just, bleh 🤮 I’m not bothering.)

Anyway, I think this video briefly sums up what you need to do to help get you started.

Beyond that, as with a lot of my LOP strategy in general, I tend to level up all of my cards evenly, at least until one of them is lagging behind more significantly than the others. This happens due to the random assignment of weapons and armor being pulled from the offering cards.

I will admit, it is a bit tedious for me, since I don’t use the auto battle option. The reason being, I never know when I’m going to have to rearrange my cards to beat the enemy in a particular battle. Something for us to note as well. I find it fascinating how you can have more than enough overall attribute strength to take out the enemy, but how it’s distributed amongst your cards can lead to a defeat. Annnnd you can’t do anything about it until you buy more offering cards. 😏 🙈

But on that note, I don’t think it’s necessary you to top up for this event. However, you do need to have a nice hoard of ingots to freely drop. Or you know, just buy what you can now and save up for the next round. 🤫 (My hoard was slightly affected by the All Star Literary Gathering AND accidentally buying another child slot. 😫😫😫 Why can’t I accidentally buy academy seats or mailboxes?! 🫠) Anyway, at least for me, it’s nice to have an event I genuinely want to spend my ingots on. So, between this and the Mozi event that will come around later this year (which I may top up for… stupid paywalls 🤪), I’m sort of just skipping out on a lot the special events.

Anyway, back to coasting through LOP and Happy Mid-Autumn!