Musical Banquet and Other Things

So I wait all this time for a Yin Zhen event and this is what I get? 😏

Okay so it’s not horrible. I like the Phantom of the Opera nod going on with the cape thing and all. But come on, LOP! This is really the best you can come up with after FuHeng and Yin Zhi?! I mean those are like actually cool “western” adaptions for those two. 😩 Whatever, I got the outfit for him. It beats the brown General one anyway...

And if it hadn’t been for this:


I might have spent a little more to get the the frame and chat box, but wow. That piano mini game was something else. Definitely on the same level as the boat race game from last year. I couldn’t get a good piano score to save my life, and I know I wasn’t the only one. I applaud those who were able to make it work. I even tried flipping my phone to the side to see if that would help at all, but no. 🙃

I went back a forth over what to get from the point shop and ultimately went with the regalia card and enough brocades to complete it. I like my story time with Yin Zhen. 😆

Anyway, moving along to other random topic. This guy!

I kind of like the merchant. 😅 There are some items I’m never willing to part with for another, like books or sands of time, but other than that I’m always curious to see what he has to offer when he randomly shows up.

I found February’s update helpful and interesting. Helpful in that I now have that fast assign feature at the Academy!! 🥳🙌🏻 Game changer. And two free seats in help for debate! But... two more partners and a confidant? 😩 I guess I shouldn’t complain too much, more partners means more power. 😏 And the cook guy is awesome! 🤪 I just... don’t want more mouths to feed. 😫 Oh well, such is life in LOP. 🙃

And drum roll please. 🥁🥁🥁

Today’s my birthday! 🤣

It was fun opening the game up and Yin Zhen’s there playing the violin to celebrate. 😆 And I always love extra ingots! 😉

Finally, has anyone actually turned on that visitor feature for other players to see their partner and confident details? I know this update happened eons ago, but I just remembered it here recently. 😅 I assumed it would be a feature that was on and then you had to turn off. Not vise versa. 😂

But I’m kind of curious why anyone WOULD turn it on? 🤔Is there some strategic benefit for revealing this information I’m unaware of? Is it a cultural difference? Or is it a test of people’s boundaries to see how open some players are compared to others? I don’t know. It just seems like such an odd and unnecessary feature to have in the game. But what do I know? 🙃

Until next time y’all!