Mockingjay’s Strategy Series: Guilds and Ministry of Works

Mockingjay’s Strategy Series: Guilds and Ministry of Works

I know I’ve probably mentioned these topics in previous posts, but I thought they deserved their own post.

Starting with Guilds, as I’ve been a member of the top guild for most my LOP game life, I do believe that my overall game experience has been effected by this. (Especially, after my personal blunder of leading a guild on the F2P. 😅) I say this, because I feel like I’ve seen a fair amount of players try to play without a guild. It’s not impossible, but... I have found the community of the game to be a major reason why I continue to play LOP, as it has been for several others that have stayed with the game longer than anticipated.

Now, yes, I like many others on the “older” NA severs started playing the game during lock down, when let’s face it, there wasn’t much to do or people to talk to in person. LOP sort of became a place to escape to and connect with people all over the world who shared a similar interest. This is coming from someone who’s never cared about online games simply because I’ve never wanted to talk to other people online. But after playing for only a couple of days, I found myself wanting to participate in the chat because the members on my server lead such interesting lives.

Anyway, moving along from the importance of the community aspect within LOP, being part of a guild and particularly a stronger one, has it’s merits when it comes to receiving prizes from all the various rankings corresponding to the plethora of events that come and go in the game. I wouldn’t have nearly as many items in my inventory had it not been for my guild ranking so well in all of them. This includes the rewards from guild wars too, winning or losing.

And don’t get me started on the guild shop! 😂 Being able to purchase purple robes, or any robes for that matter, is a life saver for me! I think that alone is worth being in a guild. And as you get stronger and stronger, hitting the enemy, participating in guild wars and building the guild daily helps your personal contribution points skyrocket, enabling you to buy more and more from the shop. 😍 I love it!

But moving along to the Ministry of Works, this was one of those weird updates to the games that had me scratching my head at first. More so because it wasn’t a feature I ever thought the game needed. Several months later, I see it’s massive benefits.

I’m sure everyone goes about focusing on different things to upgrade, but I’ve found the ones that focus on debate and the EXP and Fame consumption reducers to be my favorites. (Yes, I did eventually open up an additional pigeon and academy slot here recently, thanks to my activeness salary from the Lu Yu event. 😂) And aside from now having a bigger incentive to get as many activity points as possible each week, I’m also super motivated to attend the Feast each Saturday. The more guild wealth points I collect, the faster I can choose something else to upgrade. I have to laugh though, cause I feel like every time LOP releases what I think is an odd feature at first, it turns out to be one of favorites later on. 😅

However, when it comes to the Ministry of Works, I think it’s important to know which feature updates are going to help you out in your long term play strategy. This is why I tend to favor the upgrades that I do, rather than the attribute/potential partner upgrades or the worldwide fame consumption reducers. But to each his own.

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