Mockingjay’s Strategy Series: Dominant for Low Level VIPS and/or F2Ps

Before I even get into the details of this, I have NOT successfully claimed the Dominant title. Yet. Maybe one day I will. Or just take Cross Server Dom/Favored and be like mwuaahaha! I have attempted it three times now and came in second the last two tries. However, the following tips are things I and actual veteran title holders have practiced. So here we go.

    This probably goes without saying, but you’re not going to claim this title, or any other for that matter, without coming up with a a game plan. And more to the point, you’re going to have to focus on your top partner(s). Personally, I’ve had greater success waiting until I have a partner to promote to arch chief, and then focus on dumping EVERYTHING on that partner. It throws your stack out of whack, especially when you do it two times in a row. 😅 But as a side note, it’s nice to have one partner that can literally take out a VIP10’s 30+ partners without making a dent in said partner’s HP. 😏 However, the perk is also the problem: You only have one of them... For me, I feel like the title is worth it, but to each his own. Anyway, back to planning.

    This should effect your daily tasks leading up to your big drop. From studying at the academy, which partner you’re giving your daily fruit to, seed planting, hunting and ingredient purchasing for recipes, which confidant’s attributes are closest to the next affection level, etc. Or in other, basically every aspect of the game. Which leads me to my next point.
  2. Become a hoarding master
    Yes, you suddenly start collecting every power boost thing in sight and sit on it. Brocades, potential fruit, books, things you sometimes don’t really care about from special events... I mean, if it gives me more power I gotta have it, right?! 🤣 As a general rule, yes, but from experience, you’re not getting multimillion power boosts by expanding your closet. 🙈
  3. Have a rough estimate of how much power your sitting on
    Rough, being the key here. As I’ve previously stated, I suck at LOP math. There are resources that other fans have made for calculating estimated power. I’ve tried using them, but can’t make much sense out of them. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Anyway, that being said, I’ve found doing some conservative math on an excel spreadsheet to be useful. For example, if you give a partner potential fruit, take the power boost and multiply by the number a fruit you have in your inventory. 😅 I have no idea what the margin of error is, but it will give you some sort of ball park. 😂
  4. Timing is everything
    I mean this not only for local server vs cross server, but for your overall power level and hierarchy of partners.
  • You’re going to have better luck going for Dom when it’s just your local server
  • The higher your starting power level is, the easier it will be for you to pull a higher power boost in a limited amount of time. Especially if you’re sitting on a handful of 1% activations. Which is why I might recommend holding off until you’re at least sitting on 200M in over power level, since this is when I’ve pulled off multimillion power boosts lickety split.
  • Waiting until you have a an arch chief to power up has been very helpful for me. It takes me about two rush event cycles to save up enough robes for that partner level promotion, without personally claiming a title and being part lvl 8 guild that frequently ranks high in other ongoing events.
  • And finally the over all vitality of your local server. Or in other words, if there are less competitors to compete with you’re going to go a lot farther. I mean, yes, it is sad that with each passing rush cycle it seems like less players are active, as real life takes a precedent given the times we live in. But it is something to consider strategically.

Anyway, not sure if anyone has found this helpful. I’m currently holding back through Great Lent this year, to one, give me a chance to refocus some of my priorities and two, test a theory for CS Dom/Favored. If I’m able to prove it here in a few months, I’ll do a post on my findings.

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