Mid Autumn Festival Event Recap and the September Update

Another major event in LOP has come and gone. 😆

And I decided to get all the cat decor this time...

It’s sooo neat looking! 😍 I’ll never splurge again on the cat. Period. I just liked this more than any of the new items being offered in the main point shop this year.

On to the mini game. I had difficulty with this one. I never obtained a perfect score. And I’m pretty sure there were several times my osmanthus should’ve bounced into the jar of honey and then bounced out at the last second! 😩 Not that it was a big deal to me, I really only wanted to the boudoir scene and ended up getting the additional 5 brocades to finish off the Celestial Melody outfit. I love that pipa in the background! 😍

But is I’m being honest, I was a little disappointed with the whole event this year. Last year I was super excited, but this year I just wasn’t feeling the whole moon goddess thing. If it wasn’t for the new scene, I would’ve passed on the event entirely. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And I know I should do my research, but why are there so many bunnies? 🤔 Not just with Mid-Autumn in particular, but I guess in general this year. There have just been many bunnies in LOP...

Anyway, moving along to the most recent game update. While I’m huge fan of the confidants being part of the land now, I’m not entirely thrilled that I have another partner to groom. 😓 I was also planning to stop adding more partners to my stack once I hit 50, which I now have. 😩 Oh well. I am glad though that it’s another bond for Murong!

Hopefully, I can add that additional slot in the debate help before CS in a couple weeks. And while I’m not excited to have yet another partner to even out with the rest of my reds, she is one of the prettier ones to look at. 😂

But what did they do to the mess of icons on the home screen?! I mean I understand the need to stream line that hot mess, but the grouping kind of bugs me. And it’s mostly the wheel. I’m used to that being smack dab in the top middle of my home screen! While it makes sense for it to be grouped with the other “timed events” I’m bothered that I have drill down to get to that icon now. 😡 Oh well, just another thing to get used to, I guess.

On a happier note, I do actually like one of the new outfits they released this round!

I’ll see if I still want to pick it up during Dom, instead of completing another Regalia chapter. 😩 Oh Regalia stories, why do you so often have the less desirable outfits to buy I order to complete you?

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