International Banquet

Alright, CS Banquet has officially begun.

For starters I wish I had been in the loop this was starting, cause I would’ve saved my ingots and not opened banquets on the local server. 🙃 Oh well.

That said, I’m really happy I don’t have to budget and spend ingots to open banquets! 🥳 And since I’ve been sitting on like 900 banquet invites, so it’s nice to have a place to use them up!!

But talk about spending to claim a title. 😒 Queen of Banquet, like I’ve mentioned before, really comes down to how much are you willing to spend. But at least it’s ingots that you can save up for over time. The fact that you have to top up to open a state banquet is just... Wow. Not that I was ever interested in going for the title, but I’m never even going to attempt it. 😅 Besides I need some breathing room before I add another partner to my stack. 😏

Moving along to my strategy. So fortunately, I have 4 confidants in my stack who are receiving max bonus on their banquets. I’m kind opening four banquets a day and then attending at least 3 banquets a day. Kind of just attending who ever invites me if their my friends/guild members. I have some ingots to burn so I don’t mind I guess. 😉 After day 1 I’m still holding in the top 20, but we’ll see where I’m at later in the week/at the end of the event. I am noticing a trend though.

If you can keep opening and closing court banquets in a timely manner, just like you would banquets on the local server, you’re going to get more popularity points than you will for attending banquets for ingots.
And it pays off to have at least four or five Confidants with the highest bonus level. Depends on how many banquets you can open in a day.

I also wanted to make one comment on the Literary Gathering. The player who previously has dominated this event is GONE! 😱 So now I’m reconsidering who I want to dump my hoard on for DOM. They may come back... But I don’t know, if making my Cabinet Scholar more powerful will help me place even better Literary Scholar, it might be worth it. 🤔 Then again maybe it is a little of both. Power sharing I mean. More on that in a future post.

Until we meet again.