Dropping Every Rank Cycle is Weird

Yeah, I know a lot of you are probably like “what are you talking about?” But this is the first time in probably over a year that I dropped all my Dom and Favored in the next cycle of events, having just dropped everything after a long hoard. 😅 Annnnnd it’s weird.

Mainly because I don’t have as much to work with, and figuring out how to “spend” my resources is slightly limiting. The reason why I did participate this round was to promote my final four purple robes to red (achievement!), and to start leveling up Shangguan and Fan Lihua (‘cause who doesn’t want those two in their top 8 for debate purposes.) That aside, I think my plan going forward is hopefully get two archchief robes by this next CS round to further promote those two. If not, I’ll just wait to drop until I have those or more. 😅

I don’t know why but there is something fun about long term hoarding and dropping for me. It’s stressful at times too, but I guess really like having ALOT of items to kind drop as I wish. However, not powering up regularly has it’s draw backs, as I’ve experienced over my two years of game play, but it feels good to unload when you’re sitting on SO much. 😂 We’ll see though, I feel like what I want to do in LOP varies by day. Sort of... 🤣

And I guess on a related note, with the new update and Confidant “promotion” stuff, I’m beginning to see more of the draw backs for having Yin Zhen as my favorite... But it is what it is. Lanling will be able to help my compensate for that going forward, since he upgrades all my balance and warrior partners. I’m still trying to figure out where the “non recharge coupons” are in the clothing shop, and how you acquire those promotion bags. Between the Discord group and learning curves through game play, I’m sure I’ll figure it out soon. 😅

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