About Me and This Site

About Me and This Site

Hi! My name is Jacque (that’s pronounced Jackie, not Jacques), and I’m Mockingjay on both NA servers s171 and s67 (FKA Jade Ly). Aside from being an avid LOP enthusiast, I’m also a Hunger Games fan. Which may or may not be putting it lightly. I mean how many Hunger Games fans do you know that have taken on the task of writing a 500 page fan fiction just because?

Anyway, I thought it might be fun to mix the memes and document what it’s like to play LOP for free versus paid. I’ll be testing different strategy approaches, leading my own guild on the F2P, in addition to more hardline theming my F2P account after the Hunger Games. So I invite you to ride along with me as we venture in the world of LOP and beyond, because I just really like talking about LOP, the Hunger Games, and anything else those two subjects remind me of.